

Our solutions > OptiGrid

Optimises the sizing and steering of storage devices (batteries) on a power distribution network

Generic method

performance gains

Theoretical guarantee
of optimisation

OptiGrid is a software for optimising the control strategy for batteries on an electrical distribution network. The algorithms are based on stochastic optimisation: they do not require a hazard-prediction calculation.

A proven method

The software makes it possible to control one or more energy storage means (batteries) and eventually other production or consumption equipment on an electricity-distribution network.

Exhaustiveness of indicators

OptiGrid optimises the use of batteries to extend their life. The algorithm takes battery cycling into account in its control decisions to replace the battery only once (blue curve) instead of twice (orange curve).

Technical data
  • A generic method, adaptable to many use cases, including low-mesh networks
  • Several possible optimisation functions: economic, GHG emissions, self-sufficiency, etc.- Possibility to include risk sensitivity and optimisation on criteria other than expectation (reduction of variance, for example)
  • Confirmed economic-performance gain compared to conventional “predictive control” methods, following 5 years of work with the CERMICS laboratory (Ecole des Ponts) and Schneider
  • Easy deployment thanks to a containerised approach (Raspberry Pi type card, remote server, etc.)
  • Algorithms calibrated on past data (no hazard-prediction calculations) and improved algorithms (calibration) in operation with new data collected
  • Theoretical guarantee of optimisation: the algorithms were developed as part of three theses co-supervised by ENPC-CERMICS

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