
Design Offices & Manufactures

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2/3 of greenhouse gas emissions come from cities, the acceleration of national decarbonisation directly depends on the energetic and environmental strategy of urban projects and more generally on the deployment of renewable energies and energy recovery (RE&ER) in the territories.

To do this, design offices, urban planners and industries supporting local authorities need to equip themselves with decision-support tools and robust methods to provide their services and guarantee the most effective and reliable recommendations possible.

Your needs

Time saving

Operable solutions

Reliable recommendations

  • An overall analysis of the environmental footprint
  • An energy strategy adapted to the territory
  • An energy assessment to complete your responses to calls for tender
  • A roadmap integrating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Our Solutions


Minimise your development project's carbon footprint

UrbanPrint is the benchmark software for designing low-carbon development projects, allowing for a life cycle assessment (LCA) of the Energy/Carbon and environmental impacts of new, renovation, or mixed urban projects.


Simulate your project's energy production and supply needs

PowerDIS allows you to compare scenarios and identify the best energy solutions by precisely simulating the energy needs and consumption of a group of ten to several hundred buildings, to be built or renovated.


Identify the RE&ER deposits in your territory

EnergyMapper gives an exhaustive map of RE&ER (waste heat recovery) deposits and their potential across a territory.

Sustainable and Innovative City Label

The SIC (VDI) Label allows communities to develop, implement, and capitalise on their sustainable development and innovation roadmap