
Low-Carbon Action Plans

Our solutions > Low-Carbon Action Planse

Elaborate and manage transition
of the territory

action plan


Innovative cities

In order to refine the new toolkit for low-carbon planning, Efficacity works in research-action mode to support demonstration territories implementing approaches such as PCAET, “Neutral Cities” or SCOT-PLUi with high climate ambitions.

Innovating to meet the climate challenge in cities

Efficacity is conducting an action-research programme aimed at helping cities and intercommunal cooperatives (EPCI) to improve their decarbonisation strategies by 2030/2040/2050, and to steer and evaluate their action plans.

What results for my collective?

Efficacity définit avec chaque collectivité les livrables à produire et l’équipe-projet d’experts à mobiliser, au regard des besoins du territoire.  Il cofinance les travaux. Il intègre la collectivité dans un groupe de territoires pilotes, pour mutualiser les outils et les bonnes pratiques.

Four areas of work with local authorities

The institute helps guide communities wishing to innovate with:

  • the design of an ambitious low-carbon trajectory,
  • quantitative evaluation of decarbonisation levers,
  • regular monitoring and management of plans based on detailed indicators,
  • optimisation of the territory’s energy strategy.

Learn more

Our references
Reference sheet

Contact Us

Matthew Wendeln
Project director