
Socio-Economic Actors Engaged in the Ecological Transition of Territories (ASSETT)

Our solutions > Socio-Economic Actors Engaged in the Ecological Transition of Territories (ASSETT)

A mechanism to help local authorities mobilise all stakeholders
in their territory in ecological and sustainable transitions


Raise awareness



The “ASSETT” system makes it possible to create a collective dynamic around the challenges of ecological transition and strengthen the role of socio-economic actors in the territory. Exemplary actions are evaluated using a platform, then shared and developed.

A self-assessment framework to position yourself and assess your maturity on ecological transition and sustainable development (CSR)

Sharing feedback and highlighting exemplary actions (trophies, labels, etc.).

A toolkit and support for the regional authority to help socio-economic actors progress and take action.

Offer regional authorities and socio-economic actors a flexible and adaptable system according to needs

The ASSETT system is based on three main levers:

  1. Accelerate awareness and engagement among socio-economic actors
  2. Track their actions, share them and develop them
  3. Create a collective dynamic and strengthen the role of actors in the territory

The ASSETT system also relies on an online tool developed by CEREMA, in partnership with the Banque des Territoires. It allows each actor to complete their own profile, self-assess, and access appropriate resources to improve and monitor their actions over time.
This fully customizable tool is accessible in SaaS (Software as a Service) mode or deployable by the collective (on premise).

Learn more

ASSETT website
Calls for expression of interest

Contact Us

Lionel Cauchard
Project director