The one-day National Scientific Workshop on Smart and Micro Grids organised by the Microgrids (GRD SEEDS) and Smart Grids (GRD MACS) working groups in collaboration with Efficacity will be held on Friday 6 October in Marne-la-Vallée.
On 6 October, Cité Descartes will host the first one-day National Scientific Workshop on Smart and Micro Grids. The event offers an opportunity for researchers, doctoral students and industrial partners to present their work and exchange ideas on the subject of microgrids and smart grids.
The object of the workshop is to present various developments in microgrids and smart grids, both theoretical and applied, and provide information on controls and possible applications. The lectures and workshops throughout the day may address either cross-disciplinary topics or examples of applications:
- Microgrid modelling, control and management;
- Controller for AC and DC microgrids;
- Energy quality for microgrids;
- Static converters for microgrids (topologies, effectiveness, performance, etc.);
- Energy storage systems for microgrids;
- Energy management for microgrids (optimal planning, load shedding, real-time optimisation, allowing for uncertainties, etc.);
- Demonstrations, applications and pilot projects.
Given the constraints involved in interfacing renewable energy sources with the national grid, AC or DC microgrids (consisting of a multi-source system and its supervisory controller) offer a solution for integration. Whether integrated into the distribution or the transport grid, AC or DC, LV or HV, high power or low power, microgrids or clusters require an approach on two fronts: the first systemic, requiring study of the interfaces and control laws suited to each operating mode, and the second specific, relating to the intermittent aspects.
Invited speakers
Josep M. Guerrero, Professor
• Aalborg University, Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Energy Technology
• Director of Microgrids Laboratory (Learn more)
Nikolaos Hatziargyriou, Professor
• National Technical University of Athens, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
• Director of SmartRUE Laboratory (Learn more)
Romeo Ortega, Professor
• Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes, Centrale Supélec, Paris-Saclay University
• Research Director, L2S Laboratory (Learn more)
Carlos Bordons, Professor
• Professor, University of Sevilla, Spain
• Member of the European Union Control Association
Practical information:
Register before 22nd September 2017
Venue: Cité Descartes – Bâtiment Bienvenue – 14-20 Bd Newton, 77420 Champs-sur-Marne
Date and times: 6 October 2107 de 8am à 6pm