About Efficacity

Smart & Sustainable City Award (SSCA).

SSCA is a unique Europe-led framework to help local governments implement all dimensions of smart and sustainable city policies (17 SDGs). It can be used alongside the European Energy Award (EEA) or other existing frameworks and shared abroad.

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The Low-Carbon Strategies for Territories programme help local authorities build ambitious and operational low-carbon trajectories for 2030-2050, using modelling tools and technological solutions derived from cutting-edge research and engineering.

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The software solutions suite is dedicated to the design of low-carbon districts, aimed at all urban actors local authorities, planners, developers, engineers, energy firms and urban services, during the project design stages. This toolkit helps to optimize the energy and environmental performance of new-build, renovation or combined projects.

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We help cities and development funds to evaluate all the impacts of their urban programmes on the territories (environmental, economic and social impacts). In order to monitor the process of evaluation we provide also a platform for all theprogramme stakeholders.

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